Rex the Dragon
I’ve been trying to cut down on updates so I wouldn’t overload you guys, but I feel this warrants one. Not sure if I told any of you this, but I’ve been reconstructing the order of chapters for Rex the Dragon. Part of the benefits of having a mostly episodic series is that I can easily have chapters taking place before one I already made and after another one and so on. With that said, the next chapter or two of RTD will actually take place between Deep Blue and PoCC.
Shade the Vampire
On the other end, Shade the Vampire was GOING to be continued in March from where I left off in November, but I still needed time to figure out where the story was going (along with RTD). But now I do and am now writing out a script along with RTD so I can work on both simultaneously (mostly to see if I can).
Still looking for a Webcomic site
And lastly I’m still on the look out for a new site to upload my comics to. There IS Webtoons, but I’m not sure. What do you guys think?
And that’s about it for now.